Thursday, January 28, 2010

Top 10 Twitter and Social Media Sites

Luddites unite!

"If you can't beat'em, join'em." Bugs Bunny

It turns out that Bolsheviks trump..and the Menshiviks and intelligentsia walk away with a Silver Medal which can be perceived as useless in a zero-sum game of war (We Are Right).

2010 is the year that I finally have caved to the peer pressures of social media networking. So I'm a little behind the times.....

Really, I lived in Russia when Internet Explorer and email was hatched and exploded over what was fascinatingly labeled the "World Wide Web." The brick in the walls started to crumble with advent of glasnost' (openness) and perestroika (rebuilding). With open access to information, WWW sealed the deal for the conclusive fall of communism.

Like any late-blooming explorer, I'm embracing my adventure with open arms in cyberspace. To help others who become Twitterized, I've discovered the following sites to assist any other newbie that is looking for straight-forward advice:

For Twitter:

1. Join me and thousand of friends in the game we used to call "pick up the phone, dial, and leave a message." You have 140 spaces to share meaning and relevance to the greater world.

Twitter can be maximized with the following tools:
@name is writing to someone or something about your opinion.
RT@name is a commentary response to someone or something aka "retweet."
#name is called a "hashtag" which is a categorical reference. One of the first hashtags commonly referenced was #sandiegofire. Create one of your own officially at

2. URL shortener. It's necessary for curtain those 140 clicks that you are allowed on Twitter. Besides the fact that it is based in Libya, it is one of the most widely used URL shortener and tracks how many times people click on your website.

3. is the golden standard of hashtag search tracking, most popular and newest ones.

4. to define and list a hashtag, thus creating semi-ownership of it.

5. most popular links on Twitter.

6. tracks URLs with the tweets connected to them.

7. twitterrific iPhone app: It's free to update your tweets here! And there's a Public Timeline to observe and participate in the mass madness.

Here's an example of my most recent retweet:
RT @huffingtonpost The Least Ethical Companies In The World (PHOTOS, POLL) - Mining, Tobacco, and Food-Mutilation, oh my!

For all social media:
8. integrative social media networking portal. Welcome to the world of Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter! This site helps time and craft what you advertise where. Yes, that's right the operative word is "advertise."

9. search the directory the old fashioned card catalogue way by keyword for Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

10. compare what's going on around the web.

Social media stumped. Get some relief through your favorite songs.
11. tune into your favorite bands and create your own stations based on the Music Genome Project.

12. for local radio fans.

Any help from virtual techie strangers who become "friends" is greatly appreciated. What do you recommend?

Did I mention that spent Y2K in the open plains of the Tourism Base Camp for executives and former high-level Soviet associates in Mongolia?

Thanks for checking out my blog. Follow me on twitter at JudiRheeAlloway.

As always please feel free to share with your friends.

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